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â [/Changdon Kee]
Ҽ : װְа
о : ׹
̸ : kee@snu.ac.kr
1984 2 б װ л
1986 2 б װ м
1994 1 ̱ б װְ йڻ
: Wide Area Differential GPS (WADGPS), ΰ ̿ ׹ýۿ
2006.10- б װк
2000.10-2006.09 б װк α
1996.09-2000.09 б װк
2015- ѱȸ ȸ
2013-2014 ѱ׹ýȸ ̻
2013.08-2015.07 ̷âк ٸǿ߻

2013.05-2014.04 ؾ åڹȸ
(ػ а)

2013.01-2015.12 Journal of Navigation Editorial Advisory Board
2011.10-2013.10 п ڹȸ ڹ
2011.10-2013.06 ԰ȸ

бȸ α Ưȸ

2011-2015 /ڵ/ý ȸ ǿ
2010.05-2012.04 ȸ
2009.08-2011.07 ѱ°
(Ⱥ )
2009.08-2010.07 åڹȸ
2009.05-2010.04 к ְȸ
2009.01-2011.12 ѱװȸ м̻
2008-2010 ؾ ̷ȸ
2007-2008 ڵȭý۰ȸ ǿ
2007.04-2008.02 б ְǹȸ
׹å ȸ
2006.09-2008.08 ׹ȸ (Institute of Navigation) ƽþ ǥ
2005.08- ѱװֻ װڹ ڹ
2003-2004 װȸ ڹ
2002.01- Journal of Global Positioning Systems Editorial Board
2001.03-2003.02 ѱȸ ȸ
2000.12- International Symposium on GNSSInternational Program Committee
2000.03-2008.02 ġ NGISȸ
1999.09- International Association of Geodesy, IAG SSG1.179 Working Group on Wide Area Modeling for Precise Satellite Positioning ڹ
1999.04-2001.03 DZ װû ڹȸ
1998.06-2000.05 ں åڹȸ ڹ
1997.10-2008.02 DZ ý ȸ ڹ
1999.03-2001.02 ѱȸ м̻
1997.03-1999.02 ѱȸ ̻
1993.12-1996.08 ̱ б WADGPS ˰
1994.11-1996.07 ̱ Differential Correction, Inc Consultant GPS
1994.05-1995.05 ̿װû
(Federal Aviation Administration)
GPS Program
(Research Interests)
ɺо(Research Interests)
ǽð ׹ý (DGPS design, Implementation, Error analysis)
ǽð ׹ý (WADGPS design)
Ƽͱ ǽð ġý (CDGPS)
װ/ֺü ڼ (Attitude determination using GPS)
װ ڵ ý
װ ڵ ý
׹ý (Car Navigation System)
dz ڵ׹ý(Indoor Navigation System)
ü ġý
װý (Air traffic Management)
-International Journal
-International Conference
-Domestic Journal
-Domestic Conference